Solving Insomnia

Your brain runs wild with all the thoughts of the day and preparing for what’s going to happen tomorrow. You think of everything from what you ate for lunch to what you will wear to your best friend’s wedding next fall. You cry, you laugh, you beg with yourself “Please, please, please fall asleep!” But, you can’t. You have insomnia.

It is estimated that around 10% of the population suffers from chronic insomnia and that around 50-60% of people suffer from some type of insomnia at a point in their lives. Many people who suffer from insomnia overlook it or brush it off as a bad night’s sleep. However, insomnia should not be taken lightly and the effects of insomnia can be detrimental to your health.

For those who suffer chronically from insomnia, it can be miserable and therefore they will do anything in order to have a chance at a good night’s sleep. And, although there are many treatments for insomnia, the most common is medication. For this reason, many people find themselves popping pills before bedtime and praying that they work.

If you are a sufferer of insomnia, your days of counting sheep may be over when you try these three solutions to solving insomnia.

Expose Yourself to Natural Light

Many people who suffer from insomnia are cooped up all day inside of their home or an office building and the most that they see the light of day is in the morning and in the evening when they are walking to their cars before and after work. And, although these people are exposed to lights all day, it does not have the same effects as natural light.

Everyone’s body has a natural clock and a natural rhythm. The Circadian Rhythm is the natural rhythm of one’s body that regulates its patterns to a 24-hour clock. Natural light, such as the

sunlight in the morning, at noon, and in the evening helps to balance out this rhythm and create a more effective schedule. To help with your own Circadian rhythm, try waking early in the morning and letting natural light into your room and go outdoors during your lunch hour.

Limit Your Screen Time Before Bed

Just like natural light helps to regulate your Circadian rhythm, limiting the amount of unnatural light helps as well. Before falling asleep at night, many people turn to their cell-phones, tablets, computers, and televisions for entertainment. The exposure to the blue light of these electronic devices unnaturally mimics that of the sunlight and confuses the body. This makes it harder for the body to relax and fall asleep.

Instead of turning on your electronic device before bed, try reading by lamplight or laying quietly in a dark room listening to the radio or music. These activities will help to calm your body and prepare it for sleep.

Exercise Daily

Getting enough exercise has the ability to make a big difference in your sleep patterns and habits. As we talked about before, most people spend their days inside their homes or an office during their jobs. Their hectic schedules barely allow them enough time to eat, let alone exercise. However, getting enough exercise may just provide them what they need to get a good night’s sleep.

When you exercise it increases your body temperature, and then after you are done exercising your body temperature drops. When your body temperature drops, your body relaxes and allows you to fall asleep faster and easier.

If you are having trouble sleeping, one of these solutions may be right for you. And, when you talk to a 3 Elements specialist, you can develop a plan that will get you back to your REM cycle in no time!